Saturday, August 19, 2023


Now taking reservations: Contact Up4 Dawes inworld  or IM  (Keith Bemis) @The Full Perm group on Facebook

IT'S RECOMMENDED AND ALSO A sizable fair discount and 
ALL Categories of full perm accepted
Single size space with 60 prims 2500L
Double sized space with 120 prims 4500L  

Fall 2023 Full Permissions Fair prices and guidelines for setting up and participation. 
Booth prices Single space spot with 60 prims 2500L  Double spaced booth with 120 prims 4500L 
The full perm group's Fall Full Perm Fair September 12,th - 30th 2023 is now reserving market spaces. Setup starts September 8th for this wonderful opportunity to increase your store sales, expose your brand to the store owner designer community, and to grow your brand's group. Those creators participating in the Full Perm Fair increase their allowed one notice to the groups more than 6,000 members to allow them 3 three  notices weekly. Many creators participate in our full permission fairs because they get results. The full permissions fair was the first one of it's kind in Secondlife and  has started it's 13th year for this very popular event. Many full permissions creators have returned fair after fair to participate. The rules are simple no mandatory special discounting or special pricing, exclusives or contributed free items are required for participation in the fair BUT a fair special price for an item, exclusives or a flat discount for everything you offer in the fair is strongly encouraged and will receive more promotion by the fair organizer, NOT allowed is using  the Full Perm group notices using your notice rights to advertise the same items you have in the fair booth but at a higher price than at your store in other words don't compete against the fair using the full perm group notices  and under no circumstances advertise at any price use The full Perm group to promote your items at any other events during the fair active dates.. also no advertisements in the Full Perm group.this also includes using the group to advertise larger discounts elsewhere.  The fair organizers will promote the fair daily on various platforms. Fair poster images in various sizes and an in-store event sign with LM giver  will be sent to the rezz group look for a "Fair Kit" attachment object.  Those creators with the best value and discounts and FREE Gifts for fair visitors will be promoted more with increased notice postings for their items..The default themed market carts are all the same size and style, store owners can decorate or modify or return the default cart. Creators will see a cart with their stores logo at their assigned spot. Creators can build,or bring their own carts using their individual style and branding yet it needs to be within approx original default cart dimensions. A modifiable cart . will be sent to the Old Europe Market Fair group (Rezz group) so you may set up off-site. Prim allowance is 60 with a single space the price is 2500L,or double space with double prims 120 and the price is 4500L payable directly to Up4 Dawes SL profile your payment confirmation will be sent to you.  Send your stores business logo square or rectangle and the Old Europe Market group invite will be sent to you wear this tag to rezz at the fair setup starts Sept 8th .No refunds issued only for duplicate payments.

  Full Permissions Fair Promotions 

 Popular Secondlife web blogs teleporthub, HuntSL,LL destinations guide and more. The fair event and creators ad's are also inserted into the blogger feeds that reach and advertises the Full Perm fairs on bloggers pages, ad boards located at heavy traffic sims listing fair participants items at and also The Full Perm facebook group notices with more than 6,000 members.  Also the Full Perm fairs are listed on daily events in Second Life at least minimally five times daily,as well as tweeted.and plurked and full perm fair event group sites are uploaded to flickr, SL event groups. and also Posted to more than sixty facebook fashion groups and designer groups. 

1 comment:

Carson Reed said...

This is a great post, thanks